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Neon Pigments (05)

Neon Pigments (05)

Regular price Rs.350.00 PKR
Regular price Sale price Rs.350.00 PKR
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  1. Color Intensity: Neon pigments are known for their intense and bright colors, which are highly visible, especially under UV light.

  2. Fluorescence: Neon pigments exhibit fluorescence, meaning they absorb ultraviolet (UV) light and re-emit it in the visible spectrum, creating the characteristic bright glow.

  3. Versatility: These pigments can be used in various mediums, including paints, inks, plastics, and cosmetics, allowing for diverse applications.

  4. Light Stability: Neon pigments can be sensitive to light exposure, and prolonged exposure to sunlight or UV light may affect their brightness over time.

  5. Application: They are commonly used in arts and crafts, signage, clothing, and special effects to create eye-catching and vivid designs.

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